This settings guaranteeminimum energyconsumption and properfood preservationcharacteristics.3.5 FROSTMATIC functionIf you need to insert a large amount ofwarm food into fridge compartment (forexample after doing the groceryshopping) or rapidly decrease thetemperature in the freezer compartmentto freeze fresh food quickly, we suggestactivating FROSTMATIC function forproper food storage.FROSTMATIC function can be activatedby setting the temperature to 2°C.You can deactivate the FROSTMATICfunction by pressing the temperaturekey.This function stopsautomatically after 52 hours.This function corresponds tofridge and freezercompartment.4. DAILY USE4.1 Freezing fresh foodThe freezer compartment is suitable forfreezing fresh food and storing frozenand deep-frozen food for a long time.To freeze fresh food activate theFROSTMATIC function at least 24 hoursbefore placing the food to be frozen inthe freezer compartment.Place the fresh food to be frozen in thebottom compartment.The maximum amount of food that canbe frozen in 24 hours is specified on therating plate, a label located on theinside of the appliance.The freezing process lasts 24 hours:during this period do not add other foodto be frozen.When the freezing process is completed,return to the required temperature (see"FROSTMATIC Function").In this condition, therefrigerator compartmenttemperature might dropbelow 0°C. If this occursreset the temperatureregulator to a warmersetting.4.2 Storage of frozen foodWhen first starting-up or after a periodout of use, before putting the productsin the compartment let the appliance runat least 2 hours with the FROSTMATICfunction turned on.If large quantities of food are to bestored, remove all drawers fromappliance and place food on glass shelfto obtain the best performance.In the event of accidentaldefrosting, for example dueto a power failure, if thepower has been off forlonger that the value shownin the technical data chartunder "Rising time", thedefrosted food must beconsumed quickly or cookedimmediately and then re-frozen (after cooling).4.3 DYNAMICAIRThe DYNAMICAIR function lets the foodcool quickly and keeps a more uniformtemperature in the compartment. It isrecommended to switch on theDYNAMICAIR function when the ambienttemperature exceeds 25°C.To activate DYNAMICAIR device pressthe button on it.The green light comes up.When you switch off theappliance remember to turnoff the fan by pressingbutton again.The green light comes off.ENGLISH 17