7Appliance overviewAPPLIANCE OVERVIEWMicrowave oven & accessoriesFixing points (4 points)Grill heating elementConvection heating elementOven lampControl panelShelf runnersWaveguide coverOven cavityCouplingDoor seals and sealing surfacesDoor opening handleAir-vent openingsOuter cabinetPower cordPower supply cord support clip111112233445566778899101011111212131314141515161718192021CouplingThese racks are used for cooking inConvection, Dual or Grill mode.High rackRack for glass trayGlass trayCheck to make sure the following accessories are supplied:TurntableTurntable supportLow Rack• Place the turntable support into the coupling in thecentre of the oven floor, ensuring you place it TOP sideup, (TOP is engraved on one side). It should be able tofreely rotate around the coupling.• Place the turntable on to the turntable support.• Place the high/low racks onto the turntable if necessary• Slide the glass tray into the shelf runners. You may cookdishes directly in the tray or set the rack inside the traywhen roasting in order to catch drippings. (See page 22.)161718 192021