144 www.aeg.com7. CARE AND CLEANINGCAUTION!DO NOT USE COMMERCIAL OVENCLEANERS, STEAM CLEANERS,ABRASIVE, HARSH CLEANERS, ANYTHAT CONTAIN SODIUM HYDROXIDEOR SCOURING PADS ON ANY PARTOF YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN.CLEAN THE OVEN AT REGULARINTERVALS AND REMOVE ANY FOODDEPOSITS. Failure to maintain the ovenin a clean condition could lead to adeterioration of the surface that couldadversely affect the life of the applianceand possibly result in a hazardoussituation.Oven exteriorThe outside of your oven can becleaned easily with mild soap and water.Make sure the soap is wiped off with amoist cloth, and dry the exterior with asoft towel.Control panelOpen the door before cleaning to de-activate the control panel. Care shouldbe taken when cleaning the controlpanel. Using a cloth dampened withwater only, gently wipe the panel until itbecomes clean. Avoid using excessiveamounts of water. Do not use any sort ofchemical or abrasive cleaner.Oven interiorFor cleaning, wipe any splatters or spillswith a soft damp cloth or sponge aftereach use while the oven is still warm. Forheavier spills, use a mild soap and wipeseveral times with a damp cloth until allresidues are removed. Do not removethe waveguide cover.Make sure that mild soap or water doesnot penetrate the small vents in the wallswhich may cause damage to the oven.Do not use spray type cleaners on theoven interior.Turntable and turntable supportRemove the turntable and turntablesupport from the oven. Wash theturntable and turntable support in mildsoapy water. Dry with a soft cloth. Boththe turntable and the turntable supportare dishwasher safe.DoorTo remove all trace of dirt, regularlyclean both sides of the door, the doorseals and sealing surfaces with a soft,damp cloth. Do not use harsh abrasivecleaners or sharp metal scrapers to cleanthe oven door glass since they canscratch the surface, which may result inshattering of the glass.IMPORTANT!A steam cleaner should not beused.