Programme chartWash programmesIn compliance with EC directive 92/75, the consumption figures indicated on theenergy label refer to the “ECONOMY 60°C” wash programme for cotton.* The consumption data shown on this chart is to be used as a guide only, as itmay vary depending on the quantity and type of laundry, on the inlet water tem-perature and on the ambient temperature. It refers to the highest temperaturefor each wash programme.31WashprogrammeWhiteCottonsTemp.95°-60°FabricsCotton and linen,for example nor-mally soiled workgarments, sheets,household linen,underwear, towels.AdditionalfunctionsSTAINPREWASHTIME SAVERSENSITIVEEXTRA RINSERINSE HOLDSPIN SPEEDMax.load5 kgECONOMY 60°Cotton and linen, forexample normally tolightly soiled sheetsand household linen.STAINPREWASHSENSITIVEEXTRA RINSERINSE HOLDSPIN SPEED6 kgColouredcottons60°-50°40°-30°Coloured cotton orlinen fabric, shirts,underwear, towels.STAINPREWASHTIME SAVERSENSITIVEEXTRA RINSERINSE HOLDSPIN SPEED5 kgEasy cares60°-50°40°EASYIRONSynthetic fabrics,underwear,coloured garments,non-shrink shirts,blouses.STAINPREWASHTIME SAVERSENSITIVEEXTRA RINSERINSE HOLDSPIN SPEED2.5 kgDelicates 40°-30°COLDDelicate fabrics, forexample curtains.STAINPREWASHTIME SAVEREXTRA RINSERINSE HOLDSPIN SPEED2.5 kgWool/silk 40°-30COLDWool, wool mix-tures, silk andhandwash.RINSE HOLDSPIN SPEED 2 kgEnergykWh0.550.35Waterlt.5352Durationmin.1.90 47 1411.02 49 1421.10 44 1200.85 50 895857Consumption*