Baking results Possible cause RemedyThe cake is too dry. The oven temperature is toolow.The next time you bake, seta higher oven temperature.The cake is too dry. The baking time is too long. The next time you bake, seta shorter baking time.The cake browns unevenly. The oven temperature is toohigh and the baking time istoo short.Set a lower oven tempera-ture and a longer bakingtime.The cake browns unevenly. The mixture is unevenly dis-tributed.Spread the mixture evenlyon the baking tray.The cake is not ready in thebaking time given.The oven temperature is toolow.The next time you bake, seta slightly higher oven tem-perature.9.4 Baking on one level:Baking in tinsFood Function Temperature(°C)Time (min) Shelf positionRing cake / Brio-cheTrue Fan Cook-ing150 - 160 50 - 70 1Madeira cake /Fruit cakesTrue Fan Cook-ing140 - 160 70 - 90 1Fatless spongecake / Fatlesssponge cakeTrue Fan Cook-ing140 - 150 35 - 50 2Fatless spongecake / Fatlesssponge cakeTop / BottomHeat160 35 - 50 2Flan base - shortpastryTrue Fan Cook-ing 170 - 1801) 10 - 25 2Flan base -sponge mixtureTrue Fan Cook-ing150 - 170 20 - 25 2Apple pie / Ap-ple pie (2 tinsØ20 cm, diago-nally off set)True Fan Cook-ing160 60 - 90 2Apple pie / Ap-ple pie (2 tinsØ20 cm, diago-nally off set)Top / BottomHeat180 70 - 90 1ENGLISH 15