90°2x3,5x2513. GB IE GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND - GUARANTEE/CUSTOMER SERVICE13.1 Standard guaranteeconditions:We, Electrolux, undertake that if within12 months of the date of the purchasethis Electrolux appliance or any partthereof is proved to be defective by rea-son only of faulty workmanship or mate-rials, we will, at our option repair or re-place the same FREE OF CHARGE for la-bour, materials or carriage on conditionthat:• Appliance has been correctly installedand used only on the electricity supplystated on the rating plate.• Appliance has been used for normaldomestic purposes only, in accord-ance with manufacturer's instructions.• Appliance hasn't been serviced, main-tained, repaired, taken apart or tam-pered with by person not authorisedby us.• Electrolux Service Force Centre mustundertake all service work under thisguarantee• Any appliance or defective part re-placed shall become the Company'sproperty.• This guarantee is in addition to yourstatutory and other legal rights.ENGLISH 25