AD Series Dehumidifying Dryers Page 55After each cleaning:• Inspect the filter element. Briefly hold a light bulb behind theelement and look for any fatigued paper or residual dirt.Inspect for holes and tears by looking though the filtertoward a bright light. Check for damaged gaskets or dentedmetal parts. Do not re-use a damaged filter!• Check the gasket for damage. A damaged gasket allowscontaminants into the process. Replace as needed.8-3 Servicing the Dew Point MonitorThe accuracy of the dew point monitor on mini dryer systemsdepends on proper operation of the dew point sensor and thecontrol board. The dew point sensor is in the process air streamand is therefore susceptible to contamination.Dew point sensor life depends on:• Air temperature and flow passing over the sensor.• The amount of fines (dust) in the process air.• The amount of plasticizer vapor in the process air.Once every six months, the dryer operator should monitor theinitial dew point sensor readings and establish a periodicreplacement schedule as needed.CAUTION!Do not attempt to check the continuityor resistance of the dew point sensor.The sensor will be destroyed!8-4 Symptoms of Worn DesiccantThe moisture absorption capacity of the desiccant used in yourAEC dryer degrades after an indefinite period of time. Useful lifedepends on variables such as material moisture content, plasticizervapors in the return air, and number of regeneration cycles.