AD Series Dehumidifying Dryers Page 212-8-3 Fail Safe OperationIf a safety device or circuit should fail, the design must be suchthat the failure causes a “Safe” condition. As an example, a safetyswitch must be a normally open switch. The switch must be heldclosed with the device it is to protect. If the switch fails, it will goto the open condition, tripping out the safety circuit.At no time should the safety device fail and allow the operationto continue. For example, if a safety switch is guarding a motor,and the safety switch fails, the motor should not be able to run.2-8-4 Safety Device Lock-OutsSome safety devices disconnect electrical energy from a circuit.The safety devices that are utilized on AD models are primarilyconcerned with the pneumatics and electrical power disconnection,and the disabling of moving parts that may need to be accessedduring the normal operation of the machine.Some of the safety devices utilize a manual activator. This is themethod of initiating the safety lock out. This may be in the form ofa plug, disconnect plug, lever or a handle. Within this lockablehandle, there may be a location for a padlock. Personnel servicingthe equipment should place a padlock in the lockout handle.WARNING! Always disconnect and lockout all electrical power and pneumatic(i.e. compressed air) sources prior to servicing or cleaning anyDryer, including all AD units. Failure to do so may result in seriousinjury.At no time must anyone remove the lockout or reconnect the twistplug, other than the person who installed the lockout or whounplugged the twist plug.2-8-5 Lock-Outs, Plugs, and Other Safety DevicesThe AD Dryer utilizes several types of safety devices.The Line Cord PlugThis line cord plug allows the operator or maintenance personnelto unplug the dryer from its power source and tag it out. This plugmay be tagged with any number of approved electrical lockouttags. These tags are available at most electrical supply stores.WARNING! Disconnect both of these items to ensure optimum maintenancepersonnel safety when cleaning or servicing this equipment.