64200600L1#T-31A © 2002, ADTRAN, Inc. Page 19Total Access 600R User Interface Guide (UIG)Configuration KeystrokesGetting HelpThe bottom line of the terminal menu window contains context-sensitive help information. When the cursor is posi-tioned over a set of configuration items, a help message displays (when available) providing a description of the item.When more detailed help is available for a particular item, ^A displays at the bottom of the window. At this point, ifyou press , a pop-up help screen displays with information about the item.Press to activate a help screen that displays the available keystrokes you can use to navigate the terminalmenu.Press to cancel these pop up windows.To do this... Press this key...Restore factory default settings.This setting restores the factory defaults based on the location of the cursor. If the cursor ison a module line (in the MODULES menu), then only the selected module is updated to fac-tory defaults.FCopy selected items to the clipboard.The amount of information you can copy depends on the cursor location when you press:If the cursor is over an editable field, only that item is copied.If the cursor is over the index number of a list, then all of the items in the row of the list arecopied. For example, if the cursor is over the DS0 field in the MAP 1 screen, all of the in-formation associated with the DS0 is copied.CPaste the item stored in the clipboard, if the information is compatible.You must confirm all pastes - except those to a single editable field.PIncrement the value of certain types of fields by one when you paste information into thosefields.>Decrement the value of certain types of fields by one when you paste information into thosefields.<Insert a new list item.For example, add a new item to the TELNET U SER L IST connection list by pressing whilethe cursor is over the index number.IDelete a list item.For example, delete an item from the TELNET USER L IST connection list by pressing <D>while the index number is active.D