Quick StartGETTING STARTEDThe NetVanta 5660 is configured using the command line interface (CLI). Entering aquestion mark (?) at the command prompt displays contextual help and all commandsavailable from that prompt.This NetVanta unit ships with a statically assigned IP address of and the abilityto connect to a Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) network and receive an IP addressassignment from a DHCP server. When connecting to a DHCP network, this unit supportsZero-Touch Provisioning, allowing the NetVanta router to download and apply configurationparameters from a configuration management server.R ECEIVE A DHCP C LIENT A DDRESS1. Connect the router to an existing network that supports DHCP using the GIG 0/2Gigabit Ethernet port on the front of the device. The NetVanta unit will automaticallyrequest an IP address assignment from the DHCP server.2. Check the DHCP server and record the IP address assigned to the NetVanta unit.A CCESS THE CLIAccess the AOS CLI via the CONSOLE port or a Telnet or SSH session. To establish aconnection to the NetVanta unit CONSOLE port, you need the following items:■ PC with VT100 terminal emulation software■ Straight-through serial cable with a DB-9 (male) connector on one end and theappropriate interface for your terminal or PC communication port on the other end.g NOTEThere are many terminal emulation applications available on the web. PuTTy, SecureCRT,and HyperTerminal are a few examples.1. Connect the DB-9 (male) connector of your serial cable to the CONSOLE port on theback panel of the unit.2. Connect the other end of the serial cable to the terminal or PC.g NOTEMany PCs do not come with a standard serial port. A universal serial bus (USB) to serialadapter can be used instead. The drivers for the USB to serial adapter must be installedaccording to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the USB to serial adapter is not properlyinstalled on your PC, you will not be able to communicate with the AOS unit and you shouldseek support from the USB to serial adapter manufacturer.NetVantaNetVanta 5660August 2019617005660F1-13CP/N: 17005660F117025660F1*617005660F1-13C*