Quick Start Guide, 61700120G1-13B, August 2015 1NET VANTA 6330 S ERIESP/N 47006332G1, 47006334G1, 47006336G1, 47006337G1, 47026332F1,47026334F1, 47026336F1, 47026337F1GETTING STARTEDTwo configuration methods are available for your NetVanta 6330 Series units:• Web-based graphical user interface (GUI)• AOS command line interface (CLI)The GUI lets you configure the main unit settings and provides online guidance and explanations for eachsetting. However, using the AOS CLI may be necessary for more advanced configurations.ACCESS THE GUIYou can access the GUI from any web browser on your network by following these steps:1. Connect the unit to your PC, using an Ethernet cable connected to the ETH 0/1 port on the back of theunit.2. Set your PC to a fixed IP address in the /24 subnet. For example configure your PC with thefollowing settings:IP Address: Mask: a default gateway nor DNS server needs to be configured to connect to the unit. If you cannotchange your PC’s IP address, you will need to change the Unit’s IP address using the CLI as explained inthe section below.3. Open a web browser and enter the unit’s IP address in your browser address line as follows: The default IP address is, but if you had to change the unit’s IP addressusing the CLI, enter that address in the browser line.4. You will then be prompted for the user name and password (the default settings are admin andpassword).5. The initial GUI screen appears.6. ADTRAN recommends changing the default password. Browse to System > Passwords. In the LoginConfiguration section, enter a new Username and Password and select Apply Changes.ACCESS THE CLIAccess the AOS CLI via the CONSOLE port, Telnet, or SSH session. To establish a connection to the NetVantaunit CONSOLE port, you need the following items:• PC with VT100 terminal emulation software• Straight-through serial cable with a DB-9 (male) connector on one end and the appropriate interface foryour terminal or PC communication port on the other end.There are many terminal emulation applications available on the web. PuTTY,SecureCRT, and HyperTerminal are a few examples.