61225001L1-5D 1Express 6530 SHDSL NxNTUInstallation and MaintenanceSection 61225001L1-5DIssue 4, October 2002CONTENTS1. GENERAL ..................................................................... 12. CONNECTIONS ........................................................... 43. OPTIONING .................................................................. 74. SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................... 185. WARRANTY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE ............ 19FIGURESFigure 1. Express 6530 SHDSL NxNTU ...................... 1Figure 2. Express 6530 Functional Overview ............... 2Figure 3. Express 6530 Back Panel ................................ 4Figure 4. Express 6530 Strap Map ................................. 7Figure 5. Express 6530 Menu Tree ................................. 8Figure 6. Cross-Connect Map ......................................... 9Figure 7. Time Slot Allocation ..................................... 10Figure 8. Framed Full E1 Service ................................. 11Figure 9. Unframed Full E1 Service ............................. 11Figure 10. Full Nx64K 2 Mbps Service ......................... 12Figure 11. Back-to-Back NTU Operation ...................... 12Figure 12. Local Dual Sided Loopback ......................... 13Figure 13. Remote Dual Sided Loopback ...................... 13Figure 14. Local Customer Transparent Loopback ........ 14Figure 15. Remote Customer Transparent Loopback .... 14Figure 16. Local Customer Nontransparent Loopback .. 14Figure 17. Remote Customer NontransparentLoopback ....................................................... 14Figure 18. Local Network Transparent Loopback ......... 14Figure 19. Remote Network Transparent Loopback ...... 14Figure 20. Local Network Nontransparent Loopback .... 14Figure 21. Remote Network NontransparentLoopback ....................................................... 14Figure 22. CRC-4 Detection/Generation ........................ 16Trademarks: Any brand names and product names included in this document aretrademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.Line (SHDSL) technology to transport data over asingle copper loop. The Express 6530 interfacesbetween the incoming ITU G.991.2 (SHDSL)leased-line service and the customer’s Data TerminalEquipment (DTE), providing solutions forLAN-to-LAN bridging, Frame Relay, and/or PBXtermination.The Express 6530 is a locally powered standalone unitwhich contains an integrated Data Service Unit(DSU), eliminating the need for a separate DSU. TheExpress 6530 interfaces to a customer’s G.703, V.35,or X.21 interfaces and can be provisioned to supportsimultaneous G.703 and Nx64 services. The SHDSLinterface is designed to operate from 192 kbps to2.304 Mbps in 64 kbps increments or from 3 to 36time slots, with each time slot representing 64 kbps.The SHDSL time slots can be multiplexed to theG.703 and/or the Nx64 interfaces. The maximumnumber of time slots that can be directed toward theG.703 interface is 32 (2.048 Mbps), while the Nx64can support 36 (2.304 Mbps). A block diagram of theExpress 6530 functionality is illustrated in Figure 2.The Express 6530 can be deployed in pairs for a localcampus application or to an LTU located in a CentralOffice. The Express 6530 can be locally or remotelyprovisioned with local provisioning beingaccomplished through the V.28 control port using adumb terminal or PC with a terminal emulationprogram. The Express 6530 can be remotelyprovisioned by another Express 6530 or an ADTRANSHDSL LTU. The Express 6530 can initiate andrespond to local and remote loopbacks and has aninternal 215 -1 pseudorandom test pattern for bit errortesting. Front panel mounted LEDs and pushbuttonsprovide interface and test status as well as theinitiation of a remote or local loopback.TABLESTable 1. LED Descriptions ............................................ 2Table 2. Front Panel Pushbuttons .................................. 3Table 3. SHDSL Pin Connections ................................. 4Table 4. G.703 Pin Connections .................................... 4Table 5. V.28 Pin Connections ...................................... 5Table 6. X.21 Pin Connections ...................................... 5Table 7. V.35 Pin Connections ...................................... 6Table 8. V.36 Pin Connections ...................................... 6Table 9. Loopback Overview ...................................... 15Table 10. Express 6530 SHDSL NxNTUSpecifications ................................................ 181. GENERALThis practice contains installation and maintenanceinformation for the Express 6530 SHDSL NxNTU,P/N 1225001L1. The unit is illustrated in Figure 1.The ADTRAN Express 6530 is a network terminatingunit using Single-Pair High Speed Digital SubscriberFigure 1. Express 6530 SHDSL NxNTUExpress6530SHDSLLLOOPPORT SELECT LOCAL LOOP/ERR INJ REMOTE LOOP BERTG.703RLOOPNx64KBERTRTS/CRLSD/I