61225001L1-5D 3The Express 6530 has four front panel pushbuttons.The buttons are protected from accidental operation.The front panel button functions can be disabled viathe management interface. It is possible to disable theport select SHDSL option to avoid the possibility oflooping the SHDSL port when disabled. Table 2 listsand describes these four pushbuttons.The “Port Select” button operates in the followingmanner:1. When no port has been selected (indicated bynone of the port LEDs flashing), then only the“Port Select” button is enabled and the LL, RLand BERT LEDs are an ordered summation ofthe test states of the Nx64K, G.703 and SHDSLinterfaces.2. The Port Select button cycles through thefollowing ports on each successive press:• Nx64K• G.703• SHDSL (only if enabled via the EOC)• No Selection3. When the Nx64K port is selected, the Nx64KLED will flash as an indication. The Local Loop/Err Inj, Remote Loop and BERT buttons willinitiate/terminate tests and the correspondingLEDs indicates the status of tests on this portonly.4. When the G.703 port is selected, the G.703 portLED flashes as an indication.If there is only a single service on the G.703 portthen the Local Loop/Err Inj, Remote Loop andBERT buttons initiate/terminate tests and thecorresponding LEDs indicate the status of testson this port only.If there are multiple services, the G.703 portLocal Loop/Err Inj, Remote Loop, and BERTbuttons are disabled, and the corresponding LEDsindicate the status of tests on this port only(initiated from sources other than the front panelbuttons).5. When the SHDSL port is selected, the SHDSLport LED flashes as an indication. Note that theSHDSL port select can only occur if enabled viathe management interface. The Local Loop/ErrInj, Remote Loop, and BERT buttons willinitiate/terminate tests and the correspondingLEDs indicate the status of tests on this port only.These tests are on the aggregate SHDSL payloadPort Select will not operate if any locally initiatedtests are in progress.Table 2. Front Panel PushbuttonslebaLnottuB noitpircseDTCELESTROP :gniwollofehthguorhtselcyc,sserpevisseccushcaenO.tceleSoNdna,LSDHS,307.G,K46xNJNIRRE/POOLLACOLnehtssergorpnitonsiTREBadna,detcelessitropafIkcabpoollacolaetanimret/etaitinilliwnottubehtgnisserpneht,ssergorpnisiTREBafI.tropdetcelesehtnotset.rorretibelgnisastcejninottubehtgnisserpPOOLETOMER lliwnottubehtgnisserpneht,detcelessitropLSDHSehtfIybtropehtnotsetkcabpooletomeraetanimret/etaitiniehtfI.tinuetomerehtotegassemtseuqeragnidnes)denifedecivresenoylnohtiw(trop307.GrotropK46xNaetanimret/etaitinilliwnottubehtgnisserpneht,detcelessiatadelgniss'tropdetcelesehtnotsetkcabpooletomerrafehtotsnrettapnwod/pupooldnab-nignidnesybecivres.dneTREBstsetkcabpoollacoloneraerehtdnadetcelessitropafITREBapotsrotratslliwnottubehtgnisserpneht,evitca.tropdetcelesehtno