18ENGLISHAVR24TLAX (E) QR34283ALARM MEMORY RECALL AND RESETThe VCR signals that an alarm has occurred byflashing the ALARM indicator. If a power loss hasoccurred, a “PL” will appear in the first line of theTIME/DATE 1 display.To recall the ALARM display:1. Press the PROGRAM button until the ALARMMEMORY display appears on the monitor.2. Log the time/date information from the ALARMmemory.After checking the alarm times and dates, press theALARM RESET button to clear the ALARM memory.Notes:• When the ALARM RESET button is pressed once,if “PL” is flashing, “PL” will disappear. Press thebutton again to clear the ALARM memory.• When “PL” is not flashing, press the ALARMRESET button once to clear the ALARM memory.ALARM MEMORY Display Format DescriptionLARM MM1A 00A23456789ORYE[ ]Displays the number of alarminputs that have occurred.Counts up to 99 inputs.ALARM COUNT :ALARM MEMORY:1: Displays the date/time of the first alarm recording.2~9: Displays the 8 dates/times of the last alarms to haveoccurred including the last alarm recording.