17ENGLISHAVR24TLAX (E) QR34283SETUP (Continued)SETTING THE ALARMThe ALARM function allows the user to set therecording duration, speed to be recorded and taperecycle for alarm recordings. When a contact clos-ure occurs at the ALARM IN input, the VCRautomatically enters the RECORD mode at the pre-programmed ALARM recording speed. (See AlarmIn, page 8 for a complete description of the ALARMsequence.) The ALARM recording duration can lastfrom 5 seconds to TAPE END, or until the contactclosure is reopened.The ALARM recording speed can be pre-programmed to 03, 12 or 24.The checking signal is automatically recorded on thetape at the beginning of each ALARM recording.Later, you can easily locate the start of eachrecording by using these signals when watching arecorded content. See “ALARM INDEX SEARCH”on page 21 for details.The TIME/DATE display is set as follows duringALARM display.— ALARM stars (]) will replace the colons (:).— The recording speed will be changed to 03, 12 or24 which was selected at the “SPEED” setting inthe ALARM display.Notes:• When the ALARM recording ends, the unit willreturn to the original record speed and restore theoriginal record speed values to the TIME/DATEdisplays.• Select 03 at the “SPEED” setting when the dur-ation is within 30 seconds. If the 12 or 24 speed isselected, electronic “marks” are not recorded onthe tape and alarm index search will not operate.1. Press the START/STOP button. The durationsetting flashes on/off.2. Press the UP or DOWN button until the desiredsetting appears on the monitor. (MANUAL, 5,15, 30 SEC, 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 60MIN, TAPE END)3. Press the SET button. The record speed settingflashes on/off.4. Press the UP or DOWN button until the desiredsetting appears on the monitor. (03, 12 or 24hours.)5. Press the SET button. The alarm ready settingflashes on/off.6. Press the UP or DOWN button to select thealarm ready function. (YES or NO)Select “YES” if you want to start alarmrecording even in the normal record or stopmode.Select “NO” if you do not want alarm recordingin the stop mode.7. Press the SET button. The alarm out settingflashes on/off.8. Press the UP or DOWN button to select thealarm out function. See “ALARM OUT” on page8 for details. (DURATION or PULSE)9. Press the SET button.The RECYCLE position flashes on/off.10. Press the UP or DOWN button to select themode at the end of tape. See “TAPE RECYCLE”on page 19 for details.11. Press the START/STOP button.Programming for the ALARM has been com-pleted.Note: To record the time and date, press thePROGRAM button so they are displayed.DU LR ARM:T I ON UM ALANSSPE D : 03ALARMALARMALARMAARE SI ND ,WDUFUR T I ONI ONAE YDR :AE :O TU YESE T[ ]TOP NCI F TCLECYR E[ S ]ALARM Display Format DescriptionDURATION: User programmable length or time the unitstays in the alarm record mode. (MANUAL, 5 SEC, 15SEC, 30 SEC, 1 MIN, 3 MIN, 5 MIN, 10 MIN, 30 MIN, 60MIN or TAPE END)ALARM RECORDING TAPE SPEED(03, 12 or 24)ALARM READY (YES or NO)RECYCLE FUNCTIONS(“REWIND, STOP IF ALARM”, “REWIND, STOP” or“REWIND, RE-REC”)ALARM OUT(DURATION or PULSE)