Access mode - shared/,, For the courtesy of other users, this mode should be used sparingly. Theadmin user has the ability to overrule the private setting.To change the access mode1. switchingWhen.configured.( This option is generally used to power cycle remote systems that havefailed to respond. Before switching a system off, ensure that all attempts havefirst been made to power it down through normal means.To switch a system on or off1.,.as.appropriate.Auto,,.thus.improving.overall.performance.Once.this.has.been.done,‘Hosts’, When performing an auto calibration, ensure that the screen imageis static (no moving images) and also try to remove any on-screen displaysgenerated by KVM switches (such as host names or menus). This is becausethey can affect the calibration process and result in a lower overall performancelevel. For mouse calibration, ensure that there are no application windowslocated around the upper left corner of the screen. This is because as the mousecalibration takes place, the cursor may change (to match the application as itskims across the window) and this may confuse the calculation. Also ensure thatthe host computer does not have the mouse cursor trails option enabled.To auto calibrate the screen and/or mouse1. Click.the. Click.the.required.action.. mouse, re-synchronise the mouse1. Click.the. If you find that this doesn’t work, you may need to perform a mousecalibration again.