welcome contentsinstallationoperationrterinormation17Further informationGetting assistance• Adder Technology website – www.adder.comCheck the Support section of our website for the latest solutions and driverfiles.• Email – support@adder.com• Fax in the UK: 01954 780081in the US: +1 888 275 1117• Phone in the UK: 01954 780044in the US: +1 888 932 3337TroubleshootingStatus indicatorsThe green indicators built into the link connectors on each module provideuseful feedback regarding the connection and power status:During startup (of the local module)• One very short green flash: no valid DDC information available from a locallyconnected video display, no changes made to stored DDC information.• Single green flash: DDC information being read from a locally connectedvideo display, but no changes made to stored DDC information.• Rapid green flash for 2 to 3 seconds, followed by single flash: New DDCinformation being read and stored from a locally connected video display.• Two green flashes - Checksum error prior to copying - no information willbe programmed.• Three green flashes - Too much data to fit into the module - the module canhold a maximum of two pages of DDC information.• Rapid green flashing followed by four flashes - data was lost during copying- the default data was substituted. Repeat the power on process.• Rapid green flashing followed by five flashes - Checksum error duringcopying - the default data was substituted. Repeat the power on process.During operation (of either the local or remote module)• Continual yellow: Valid CATx link to other module sensed (on MS2 variants,only the indicator of the lower link connector is used for this purpose).• Continual green: Correct power input sensed.ImportantThe X-USBPRO can be used with other USB hubs in the system, but please notethat due to power constraints, the local unit should not be connected to thedownstream port of a bus-powered USB hub. Additionally, X-USBPRO-MS2 localunits must always be powered using their supplied power adapter. Please seepage 8 for details.