ACR38 Reference Manual version 1.9 February 2006Response data formatHeader Status Data length SW1 SW2LEN01 HSW1, SW2 = 90 H 00 H if no error8.2.6.6 PRESENT_CODE_MEMORY_CARD (only SLE 4428)To submit the secret code to the memory card to enable the write operation with the SLE4428 card. Thefollowing actions are executed:- search a ‘1’ bit in the presentation error counter and write the bit to ‘0’- present the specified code to the card- try to erase the presentation error counterCommand formatHeader Instruction Data length DataLEN CLA INS P1 P2 MEM_L CODEMSB LSB Byte 1 Byte 201 H A0 H 00 H 07 H FF H 20 H 00 H 00 H 02 HCODE Two bytes secret code (PIN)Response data formatHeader Status Data length ERRCNT CODE SW1 SW2LEN Byte 1 Byte 201 HERRCNT The value of the presentation error counter after the code presentation.CODE The two bytes secret code read from the card.SW1, SW2 = 90 H 00 H if no errorIf the correct code has been presented to the card, the value of ERRCNT is FF H and the value of CODE isidentical to the code data specified in the command. READ_PRESENTATION_ERROR_COUNTER_MEMORY_CARD (only SLE 4428)To read the presentation error counter for the secret code.Command formatHeader Instruction Data length DataLEN CLA INS P1 P2 MEM_LMSB LSB01 H A0 H 00 H 05 H FF H B1 H 00 H 00 H 00 H Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Page 30 of 43