ACR38 Reference Manual version 1.9 February 2006Response data formatHeader Status Data length ATRLEN01 H ………ATR Answer-To-Reset as transmitted by the card according to ISO7816-3.NOTE - The ATR is only returned in the ACR38 response if the communication protocol of the card iscompatible with the reader, i.e., if the card can be processed by the ACR38. Otherwise, the ACR38 returnsan error status and deactivates the smart card interface. POWER_OFFThis command powers off the card inserted in the card reader.Command formatHeader Instruction Data lengthLEN01 H 81 H 00 H 00 HResponse data formatHeader Status Data lengthLEN01 H8.2.1.4 EXCHANGE_TPDU_T0To exchange an APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) command/response pair between the MCU cardinserted in the ACR38 and the host computer.Command formatHeader Instruction Data length LEN DataMSB LSB T0 TPDU01 H A0 H ………LEN Length of APDU command data, NData T0 TPDU to be sent to the cardCase 1: CLA INS P1 P2Case 2: CLA INS P1 P2 LeCase 3: CLA INS P1 P2 Lc DataCase 4: Not supported. The driver/application should break case 4 command into case 3 +case 2 commands. Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Page 15 of 43