OWL Temperature Data Logger (Internal Sensor) 11© 2001 ... ACR Systems Inc.2 OWL Temperature Data Logger (Internal Sensor)FeaturesThe OWL Temperature Data Logger with the Internal Sensor offers temperature recording in a small,water-resistant enclosure. In addition to its rugged construction, the logger can be setup to record awide range of temperatures, all configurable by a few, easy keystrokes.2.1 DescriptionThe Internal Sensor Temperature Logger uses an on-board thermistor to record changes intemperature. The model available is the OWL-100 which operates-40° to 85°C (-40° to 185°F).2.2 Setup and UseThe steps required to configure the OWL Temperature Logger are as follows:1. Run TrendReader Software and communicate with the logger from the OWL Main menu by pointingthe flashing wand at the logger's optical port. Once the Status menu is displayed select the Setupoption.2. Make sure the Internal sensor equation is chosen. Then select a range that best fits the expecteddata (see Appendix A for a list).Selecting the rangeTrendReader enables you choose the size of a range and to choose a midpoint for a range. Theadvantages of taking these two steps are:1. The smaller the size of a range the higher the resolution of the readings.2. The readings closest to the midpoint of a temperature range are higher in resolution than those ateach end of the range.The first number (on the left above the slider bar) is the midpoint of the range you want tomeasure, and the second number (on the right) is the size of that range.