Flue Connec�onGeneral NotesThis appliance may be installed with a roof terminal or a wall terminal.This appliance may only be used with Balanced Flue (otherwise known as Concentric Flue)parts as specified by ACR. The ACR specified flue parts have been approved with theappliance. If the appliance is installed on non-ACR approved parts, ACR cannot guarantee oraccept any responsibility for the proper and safe working of the appliance. Please check thelatest approved flue suppliers with ACR prior to purchasing,The flue system must be constructed from the appliance upwards, with all joints being fullylocked and sealed using the ACR specified parts.If installing the flue renova�on kit, the exis�ng flue must be swept & checked for soundnessprior to installa�on.Timber Frame Construc�onWhilst it is possible to install room-sealed appliances in �mber frame proper�es, great careneeds to be taken to ensure that the flue assembly does not interfere with the weatherproofing quali�es of any outer wall which it may penetrate. Before a�emp�ng this work,further details need to be referenced, (e.g. “Gas Installa�ons in Timber Frame Buildings”from the GAS SAFE installer publica�ons in the UK).Car Port or Building ExtensionWhere a flue terminal is sited within a car port or building extension, it should have at leasttwo completely open and unobstructed sides. The distance between the lowest part of theroof and the top of the terminal should be at least 600mm.Note: A covered passageway should not be treated as a car port. Flues should not be sited ina covered passageway between properties.Basements, Lightwells and Retaining WallsFlue terminals should not be sited within the confines of a basement area, lightwell orexternal space formed by a retaining wall, unless steps are taken to ensure theproducts of combus�on can disperse safely at all �mes. It may be possible to install thisBalanced Flue system in such a loca�on provided that it is not sited lower than 1m from thetop level of that area to allow combus�on products to disperse safely.Flue terminals should be sited to ensure total clearance of the combus�on products inaccordance with the manual.When the products of combus�on are discharged, they should not cause a nuisance toadjoining or adjacent proper�es and they should be posi�oned so that damage cannot occurto other parts of the building. If the outer wall surface is constructed of combus�blematerial, a non-combus�ble plate should be fi�ed behind the terminal projec�ng 25mmbeyond the external edges of the terminal19