Y1-03-0148-2 Rev. L 11If the thumb switch is accidentally or inadvertently put in the vertical or test position (not in the OFF or ON position), thebeacon would still be turned ON and will drain the battery. It is very unlikely that this would happen, however, if thisshould occur, the beacon will sound a beep once per second and will alternately flash the red and green LEDs at a rateof one per second until the beacon is turned OFF. It is important that the beacon be turned OFF immediately bylowering the thumb switch to the OFF position (thumb switch at rest in the front position) if this alert is ever obtained.Category I Self Test PlugEasy Access Self Test Plug for BeaconsRemove the new Self Test Plug on the front cover for self tests. Be sure to reattach the plug to protect thebeacon from the elements. Note: You may not be able to see the LEDs but you will hear the beeps.5.10 External GPS Interface: RapidFix™ OnlyYour RapidFix™ comes with a GPS Optical Interface(transmitter plug with lead wires) and a keyed GPS bezel. Thetransmitter plug attaches to your RapidFix™, via the keyedbezel. The GPS Optical Interface lead wires attach to yourGPS via the NMEA 0183 connector from your GPS receiver.The black lead wire with gray stripes should be connected tothe positive transmitter pin. The black wire should beconnected to the negative pin.If the external GPS receiver is operational and the connectionhas been correctly made to the optical interface, the greenLED in the optical interface will start flashing.NOTE: The baud rate output for your GPS receiver NMEA 0183 should be 4800 bps. If you are not sure if your receiveris NMEA 0183 compliant, check the interface settings listed in your GPS manual. To optimize your GPS Interfacefeature be sure that your GPS receiver is equipped with a NMEA 0183 Version 1.5 or higher with GPGGA sentenceenabled.Using the GPS InterfaceOnce a compatible, operating GPS receiver is connected to the RapidFix™, the beacon will store data for incorporationinto the emergency message, which is transmitted to the satellite when it is activated in an emergency. This canprovide more accurate positioning data to the Search and Rescue Authority and may lead to a faster rescue. Since thelast valid GPS position data is always kept in the memory of the RapidFix™, the user should take care to make surethat the GPS position data stored is accurate. This can be accomplished by two methods: first, by always leaving aproperly functioning GPS connected to the RapidFix™ before activation and second, by connecting a properlyfunctioning GPS with a valid position fix and allowing sufficient time to acquire valid GPS position data. This will take aFigure 8Figure 9