25-62-30 Page 19 of 88APR 06/10COBHAM AVIONICS WULFSBERG ELECTRONICSABBREVIATED COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUALME406 (453-6603), ME406HM (453-6604)TASK 25-62-30-990-8044. Frequency AllocationsSUBTASK 25-62-30-990-001A. Application(1) This section addresses the 406.0-406.1 MHz transmitter window and the specific frequencyband allocations residing above 406.025 MHz, beginning with 406.028 MHz, which areassigned or reserved within the 406.0-406.1 MHz distress frequency window.SUBTASK 25-62-30-990-002B. Discussion(1) The 406 MHz transmitter frequency of the ME406 Series ELT was originally 406.028 MHz. Inorder to comply with COSPAS-SARSAT frequency allocation requirements, changes to the 406MHz frequency may occur since the original release of this product.(2) While the original ME406 Series ELTs covered by this manual transmit on 406.028 MHz,current ME406 Series ELTs may not. The product identification label on each ELT specifies thetransmitting frequencies of the individual ELT. The 406 MHz component may be 406.028,406.037 MHz, etc. Allocation of frequencies, based on beacon population per specifiedfrequency band, is controlled by COSPAS-SARSAT.(3) The frequency references throughout this manual for the 406 MHz component should beconsidered the baseline and the specific frequency indicated on the ELT product label shouldbe substituted if it differs from 406.028 MHz.