I N S TA L L AT I O N A N D O P E R AT I O N M A N U A L114.4 Adjusting the mechanical interlock betweendisconnector and earthingFor transportation disconnectors equipped withearthing switch have closed contacts of both discon-nector and earthing switch. Therefore, before install-ing the device to the support structure, the mechani-cal interlock of the disconnecting shaft and earthingshaft must be adjusted by opening the earthingcontact and then setting the locking ring [pos. 25,Fig. 3] on the earthing shaft according to Fig. 3. Thering must be fixed in this position with screw.254.5 Mounting disconnector on support structureWhen installing the disconnector, make sure thatthe base is not twisted. The apparatus must bepre-screwed in three points, and then, if neces-sary, some pads should be placed under the baseto align the support structure at the fourth screw.The disconnector base cannot be bent to the sup-port structure by tightening the screws. Other-wise, twisted disconnector base will cause:—Fig. 3.Adjusting the mechanicalinterlock of earthingswitch—Fig. 4.Example of coupling thedrive NRWO4-3 witchdisconnector, mountingholes pattern.14) Coupling rod15) Levera) excessive torque increase on the disconnectshaft required for switchingb) deterioration of the simultaneity of closing andopening the disconnector poles. With correctlyinstalled disconnector, the simultaneity of unitshould not exceed 3 mmc) deterioration of contact when disconnector isclosed. The correct installation of the discon-nector has linear contact and the 0,1 mm widthfeeler cannot be placed between fixed and themovable contactd) offset of working planes between disconnectorcontacts and earthing switch contacts whichcause the earthing contacts do not reach properposition and do not match to the fixed contactswhile closing4.6 Mounting and regulation of manual driveNRWO4-3Mounting of driveThe structure on which the drive is mountedshould be rigid and the drive cannot move rela-tive to the disconnector cooperating with it. Thelocation of mounting holes to be made in theswitchgear wall for the fastening of drives isshown in Fig. 4. The drive should be fixed to thewall from the inside of the switchboard with fourM10 screws. After fastening the drive, the blockadeshould be mounted. The lock can be mounted onthe right or left side of the drive.Caution: For safety reasons, each drive should havea lock.Holes pattern for drive mounting55151514R90∼70°∅10.5928145125∼20°R90—Fig. 3.—Fig. 4.