Operating instructionManaged Ethernet switch 500NMD11EDS500 series - Ethernet & DSL switchesOperating instructionManaged Ethernet switch 500NMD11EDS500 series - Ethernet & DSL switchesApplication, characteristics and technical data have tobe taken from the hardware data sheet:500NMD11 Data sheet 1KGT 150 792OperationThe compact modem 500NMD11 has one SHDSL widearea interface, one optical interface as SFP plug-inand four Ethernet interfaces. There are two serialinterfaces for configuration or process interface (e.g.to connect telecontrol units). A configurable alarmrelais and an extension interface (e.g. to use theconfiguration stick) complete the device.2-wire CuConsole0DSL 1Tunnel CFGlocal LAN2 3 4 51WANRS-232TunnelConsole1CFGSHDSL-InterfaceRS-232/RS-485Configurationand MonitoringIntelligent Switch(Layer 2 or 3)Figure 1: 500NMD11 Block diagramConnectionsEthernet interfaces (Port1 - Port4)Every Ethernet interface detects automaticallywhether the connected counterpart works astransmission or network termination device. This wayboth normal and crossover cables can be used (MDI/MDI-X).The Ethernet interface can operate at transmissionrates of 10 or 100 Mbps, depending on the connecteddevices in half duplex or full duplex mode. Theoperation mode is detected and set automaticallyby the EDS500 devices. A manual configuration ispossible.Pin allocation Ethernet interface (RJ-45)Pin assigned as datatransmissiondevice (MDI)assigned asnetwork termi-nation device(MDI-X)1 Tx+ Rx+2 Tx- Rx-3 Rx+ Tx+4 n.c. n.c.5 n.c. n.c.6 Rx- Tx-7 n.c. n.c.8 18 n.c. n.c.SFP Interfaces (Fo1)All SFP interfaces are designed according to SmallForm-Factor Pluggable (INF-8074i).W A R N I N GOnly transceivers up to laser class 1 according toEN 60825-1 are allowed to be used for the SFPinterfaces.A D V I C EAny warranty claims can only extend to SFPsdelivered by ABB.DSL interface (X3)The data transmission method SHDSL "Single-pairHigh-speed Digital Subscriber Line" has been specifiedby the International Telecommunications Union(ITU recommendation G.991.2) and represents amodern, high performance, comfortable and securecommunication method. SHDSL works with data ratesfrom 192 kbps up to 5.696 Mbps on a copper pair infull duplex mode. EDS500 devices additionally usea proprietary extension of the SHDSL standard andcan reach data rates of up to 15.000 Mbps. Wires witha diameter of 0.8 mm give a range of 13 km at 2.048Mbps or 25 km at 192 kbps.