Commissioning641SVC 440 795 M0100WiringThe logic relay displays a small arrow in the circuit diagramwhen creating the wiring.Press ALT to activate the arrow and press the cursor buttonsÍÚ ú í to move it.The wiring arrow works between contacts and relays. Whenyou move the arrow onto a contact or relay coil, it changesback to the cursor and can be reactivated if required.X Press ALT to wire the cursor from I2 through to the coilfield.The cursor changes into a flashing wiring arrow andautomatically jumps to the next logical wiring position.X Press the cursor button í. Contact I2 will be connected upto the coil field.X Press the cursor button í once more.The cursor will move to the coil field.h ALT also has two other functions depending on the cursorposition:• From the left contact field, press ALT to insert a new,empty rung.• The contact under the cursor can be changed betweena n/o and n/c contact by pressing the ALT button.êê êê êêêêê êêêMlLm lh The logic relay automatically wires adjacent contacts in acircuit connection up to the coil.I1-I2lêê êê êê êêêêê êê êê êêêêê êê êê êêêh You can use DEL to erase a connection at the cursor orarrow position. Where connections intersect, the verticalconnections are deleted first, then, if you press DEL again,the horizontal connections are deleted.