26…5 PROGRAMMING5.7 Configure ClockNote. Available only if the optional analog output board is fitted.Set ClockSet the system clock.FormatSelect the required clock format.DateSet the date in the form dd:mm:yy.Press to move between the day, month and year fields.Press or to adjust each field.TimeSet the time in the form hh:mm.Press to move between hours and minute fields.Press or to adjust each field.Press the appropriate button to set the clock or abort the changes.✶ Note. Press to Set and Press to Abort are displayed alternately on the lowerdisplay line.Return to main menu.See Section 5.8.Set Clock?-----Date 01:01:01-----Time 12:00-----CONFIG. CLOCK----------Format-----mm:dd:yydd:mm:yyPress To SetPress To AbortCONFIG. SECURITYCONFIG. CLOCKSet Clock?