Appendix B – Drive-to-drive link392The following diagram shows the wiring of the drive-to-drive link.DatasetsDrive-to-drive communication uses DDCS (Distributed Drives CommunicationSystem) messages and dataset tables for data transfer. Each drive has a datasettable of 256 datasets, numbered 0…255. Each dataset contains 48 data bits.By default, datasets 0…15 and 200…255 are reserved for the drive firmware;datasets 16…199 are available for the user application program.The contents of the standard communication datasets (16-bit control word and two32-bit references) can be configured freely with pointer parameters and/orapplication programming with the DriveSPC tool. Depending on the drive controlmode, the followers can be configured to use the drive-to-drive commands andreferences with the following parameters:The communication status of the followers can be supervised by a periodicsupervision message from the master to the individual followers (see parameters57.04 FOLLOWER MASK 1 and 57.05 FOLLOWER MASK 2).Control data Parameter Setting for drive-to-drivecommunicationStart/Stop commands 10.01 EXT1 START FUNC10.04 EXT2 START FUNC (4) D2DSpeed reference 24.01 SPEED REF1 SEL24.02 SPEED REF2 SEL(5) D2D REF1 or(6) D2D REF2Torque reference 32.01 TORQ REF1 SEL32.02 TORQ REF ADD SEL(5) D2D REF1 or(6) D2D REF2Position reference 65.04 POS REF 1 SEL65.12 POS REF 2 SEL(5) D2D REF1 or(6) D2D REF2Position reference in synchroncontrol operating mode67.01 SYNC REF SEL67.02 SPEED REF VIRT M(5) D2D REF1 or(6) D2D REF2X5:D2D...1TJ3Termination ONJCUDrive 1B2A3BGNDX5:D2D1J3Termination OFFJCUDrive 2B2A3BGNDTX5:D2D1TJ3Termination ONJCUDrive nB2A3BGND