Parameters and firmware blocks1482828 SPEED CONTROLFirmware block:SPEED CONTROL(28)This block• selects the source for speed error• adjusts PID-type speed controllervariables• defines limits for speed controlleroutput torque• selects the source for accelerationcompensation torque• configures the balancing functionwhich forces the output of thespeed controller to an externalvalue• configures the drooping function(adjustment of load sharing in aMaster/Follower application)• shows the limited speed controlleroutput torque value.Block outputs located in otherparameter groups3.08 TORQ REF SP CTRL (page 87)28.01 SPEED ERR NCTRL FW block: SPEED CONTROL (see above)Selects the source for the speed error (reference - actual). The default value is P.3.6 i.e. signal 3.06SPEED ERROR FILT, which is the output of the SPEED ERROR firmware block.Note: This parameter has been locked, i.e. no user setting is possible.Value pointer: Group and index28.02 PROPORT GAIN FW block: SPEED CONTROL (see above)Defines the proportional gain (K p ) of the speed controller. Too great a gain may cause speedoscillation. The figure below shows the speed controller output after an error step when the errorremains constant.If gain is set to 1, a 10% change in error value (reference - actual value) causes the speed controlleroutput to change by 10%.0…200 Proportional gain for speed controller.SPEED CONTROL 7TLF3 250 μsec (3)< 28.01 SPEED ERR NCTRLSPEED ERROR FILT(7 / 3.06)28.02 PROPORT GAIN[ 10.00 ]28.03 INTEGRATION TIME[ 0.500 s ]28.04 DERIVATION TIME[ 0.000 s ]28.05 DERIV FILT TIME[ 8.0 ms ]< 28.06 ACC COMPENSATIONACC COMP TORQ(7 / 3.07)28.07 DROOPING RATE[ 0.00 % ]28.08 BAL REFERENCE[ 0.0 % ]< 28.09 SPEEDCTRL BAL EN[ FALSE ]28.10 MIN TORQ SP CTRL[ -300.0 % ]28.11 MAX TORQ SP CTRL[ 300.0 % ]28.12 PI ADAPT MAX SPD[ 0 rpm ]28.13 PI ADAPT MIN SPD[ 0 rpm ]28.14 P GAIN ADPT COEF[ 1.000 ]28.15 I TIME ADPT COEF[ 1.000 ]3.08 TORQ REF SP CTRLGain = K p = 1TI = Integration time = 0TD = Derivation time = 0ControllerError valueController outputt%e = Error valueoutput = K p · e