BCU-x2XD2DXD2DXD2D1234BABGNDSHIELD1234BABGNDSHIELD1234BABGNDSHIELDTermination ON Termination ONTermination OFFThe X485 connectorThe X485 provides a connection for optional CIO-01 I/O module. The following diagramshows the wiring for the CIO module.BCU CIO CIOX485BABGNDSHIELDX485BAGNDSHIELDX485BAGNDSHIELDSafe torque off (XSTO, XSTO OUT)Note:The XSTO input only acts as a true Safe torque off input on the inverter control unit.De-energizing the IN1 and/or IN2 terminals of other units (supply, DC/DC converter, or brakeunit) will stop the unit but not constitute a true safety function.FSO-xx safety functions module connection (X12)See the user manual of the FSO-xx module. Note that the FSO-xx safety functions moduleis not in use in supply (or DC/DC converter or brake) units.SDHC memory card slotThe BCU-x2 has an on-board data logger that collects real-time data from the power modulesto help fault tracing and analysis. The data is stored onto the SDHC memory card insertedinto the SD CARD slot and can be analyzed by ABB service personnel.58 Control units of the drive