Mechanical installation52Installation procedureSee detailed instructions in the following fewpages.(1) The cabinet can be installed with its backagainst a wall, or back-to-back with another unit.Fasten the unit (or first shipping split) to the floorwith fastening clamps or through the holes insidethe cabinet. See section Fastening the cabinet tothe floor (Non-marine units).With marine versions, fasten the unit (or firstshipping split) to the floor and wall/roof asdescribed in section Fastening the unit to the floorand wall (Marine units).Note: A clearance of 400 mm minimum above thebasic roof level of the cabinet (see inset on left) isrequired.Note: Leave some space at the left-hand andright-hand sides of the line-up (A) to allow thedoors to open sufficiently.Note: Any height adjustment must be done beforefastening the units or shipping splits together.Height adjustment can be done by using metalshims between the bottom frame and floor.(2) Remove the lifting bars (if present). In marineunits, also replace the lifting lugs with L-profiles(see below). Use the original bolts to block anyunused holes.(3) If the line-up consists of shipping splits, fastenthe first split to the second. Each shipping splitincludes a joining cubicle where the busbarsconnect to the next split.(4) Fasten the second shipping split to the floor.(5) Join the DC busbars and the PE busbars.(6) Repeat steps (2) to (5) for the remainingshipping splits.14532A AIP22/42 IP54> 400 mm(15.75”)> 400 mm(15.75”)> 320 mm (12.3”)for fan replace-mentTop clearances