238 Actual signals and parameters5202 BAUD RATE Defines the transfer rate of the link. 9.69.6 kbit/s 9.6 kbit/s 1 = 0.1kbit/s19.2 kbit/s 19.2 kbit/s38.4 kbit/s 38.4 kbit/s57.6 kbit/s 57.6 kbit/s115.2 kbit/s 115.2 kbit/s5203 PARITY Defines the use of parity and stop bit(s). The same settingmust be used in all on-line stations. 8 NONE 18 NONE 1 No parity bit, one stop bit 08 NONE 2 No parity bit, two stop bits 18 EVEN 1 Even parity indication bit, one stop bit 28 ODD 1 Odd parity indication bit, one stop bit 35204 OKMESSAGESNumber of valid messages received by the drive. Duringnormal operation, this number increases constantly.00…65535 Number of messages 1 = 15205 PARITYERRORSNumber of characters with a parity error received from theModbus link. If the number is high, check that the paritysettings of the devices connected on the bus are the same.Note: High electromagnetic noise levels generate errors.00…65535 Number of characters 1 = 15206 FRAMEERRORSNumber of characters with a framing error received by theModbus link. If the number is high, check that thecommunication speed settings of the devices connected onthe bus are the same.Note: High electromagnetic noise levels generate errors.00…65535 Number of characters 1 = 15207 BUFFEROVERRUNSNumber of characters which overflow the buffer, ie numberof characters which exceed the maximum message length,128 bytes.00…65535 Number of characters 1 = 15208 CRC ERRORS Number of messages with an CRC (cyclic redundancycheck) error received by the drive. If the number is high,check CRC calculation for possible errors.Note: High electromagnetic noise levels generate errors.00…65535 Number of messages 1 = 153 EFB PROTOCOL Embedded fieldbus link settings. See chapter Fieldbuscontrol with embedded fieldbus on page 265.5301 EFBPROTOCOL IDContains the identification and program revision of theprotocol.0000…FFFFhexFormat XXYY hex, where XX = protocol ID andYY = program revision of the protocol.5302 EFB STATIONIDDefines the address of the device. Two units with the sameaddress are not allowed on-line.10…65535 Address 1 = 1All parametersNo. Name/Value Description Def/FbEqPhone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: info@clrwtr.com