____________________________________________________________________________________________________________G1 Introduction to AC500 1-96 AC500 / Issued: 07.2006Examples for decentralized systems connected by networkOn principle, the configuration of decentralized systems connected by network is done in two steps:• The CPU has to be informed about which couplers are assigned to it (internal and/or externalcouplers).• The couplers have to be informed about which peripheral devices are connected to them.This is done using the tool SYCON.net (opened via the tab Resources -> Tools -> SYCON.net). This toolis also used to create the variables lists for the individual peripheral devices. The symbolic namescreated therein are directly (online) made available for the programming software. Thus, these createdvariables are located in the Global Variables folder.Example with an AC500 CPU PM581 as PROFIBUS DP Master and a DC505-FBP asPROFIBUS DP slave with a FieldBusPlug PDP22-FBPDC532DC505 AX522PDR11-FBP.150DC505-FBP + DC532 + AX522AC500 PM581-ETH + CM572-DP as-FBPAX522DC532PM581CM572master + DC532 + AX522PDA11-FBP.050PDP22+/– 24 V DC+– 24 V DC+– 24 V DCfrom COM2/PLC to PC+/– 24 V DCFigure: Example with an AC500 CPU as PROFIBUS DP master and a DC505-FBP as PROFIBUS DPslave. Note: “to PC” – either COM1 interface of PC, directly, or corresponding COM interface of PC,allocated via USB RS-232 converter.The following example will guide you through the installation and the configuration of a small PROFIBUSDP fieldbus using an AC500 PLC as PROFIBUS DP master and a S500-FBP remote I/O station with amodular FBP.