About This User Manual Terminology9ARD000014-600 A 13TerminologyA complete and comprehensive list of terms is included in System 800xA SystemGuide Functional Description (3BSE038018*). The listing includes terms anddefinitions that apply to the 800xA System where the usage is different fromcommonly accepted industry standard definitions and definitions given in standarddictionaries such as Webster’s Dictionary of Computer Terms. Terms that uniquelyapply to this User Manual are listed in the following table.Term/Acronym DescriptionAC 800M ABB controller 800 series, general purpose processcontroller series by ABB.ADR Automatic Device Recovery: Feature of the DeviceNetmaster which allows a slave node that has dropped offthe network to be replaced with another device of thesame type.BWConfig BWConfig is an MS Windows application, which is usedto communicate with LD 800DN over a standard RS-232serial link. BWConfig is used to set the IP address, MACID, and upgrade firmware for the LD 800DN (Ethernet toDeviceNet Gateway).CIP Common Industrial Protocol.Class 1 Communication I/O Communication which requires dedicated CIPconnection to be established.Class 3 Communication I/O communication that uses symbolic representation(tag based) to write data in to the Allen Bradley PLC.DeviceNet Network The DeviceNet network is an open device level networkthat provides connections between simple industrialdevices (such as sensors and actuators) and higher-level devices (such as programmable controllers).Devices Represents EtherNet/IP or DeviceNet device withprofiles (general purpose, modular, PLC, etc).