36 OI/266/FF-EN Rev. B | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters10 HMI local indicator10.2 TTG (Trough The Glass) version (L5 option)TTG technology allows the user to operate on the keypad ofthe HMI without the need of opening the windowed cover ofthe transmitter. The capacitive pick-ups will detect thepresence of your finger in front of the respective buttonactivating the specific command. At the transmitter power-onthe HMI automatically calibrate its sensitivity, it is mandatory forthe proper functioning of the TTG HMI that the cover is properlytightened at power-on.In case the cover has been removed to access thecommunication board, it is recommended to power off andpower-on again the transmitter once the windowed cover hasbeen set in place and properly tightened. For safety reasonsthe keypad needs a specific activation procedure before tobecome usable10.3 Installing/Removing the LCD display— Unscrew the housing cover of the communication board/LCD side.— Attach the LCD display. Depending on the mountingposition of the pressure transmitter, the LCD display maybe attached in four different positions. This enables ± 90°or ± 180° rotations.10.4 OperationsThe HMI is a Dot matrix LCD with a keypad of 4 buttonsusable for different purposes.— Variable Indicator— Diagnostic Indicator— Feedback of the local push button operations.— Configuration tool10.5 HMI as Variable IndicatorThis is the normal way of how the HMI works. It is refreshedevery 2 seconds and can visualize the process measuredvariables as well as other variables calculated every loop in thePRTB and in the several Function Blocks. The HMI can be setto four different operating Modes:One line Only one variable with its unit code isdisplayedOne line and bar-graphOne variable with its unit code is displayed andanother variable can be selected to be dis-played in percentage by the bar-graphTwo lines Two variables with unit code are displayedtogether (one for each line)Two lines and bar-graphTwo variables with unit code are displayedtogether (one for each line) and another vari-able can be selected to be displayed inpercentage by the bar-graphThe Mode selection can be done through the remote setting ofthe HMI_MODE parameter or locally from the HMI menu“Display/Settings/Mode”10. HMI local indicatorThe 266 PdP is available with the integral HMI LCD localindicator with 4 buttons keypad as optionally item connectedon the communication board. There are two types of availableHMI:10.1 Conventional version (L1 option)Gain access to the display by unscrewing the windowed cover.Please observe the Hazardous area prescription beforeproceeding with the cover removal.The keypad operability doesn’t require any activationprocedure.Figure 45: Display keypadImportant. Retighten the housing cover until it is hand-tight.Ifnecessary, refer to the section “Securing the housing cover inflameproof areas”.Figure 46: Windowed front cover and LCD display