- 6 -LIFE-CYCLE ACTIVITIESApplication ScopeDefinition of the Application TargetThe process equipment shall be described in order to defineclearly the application target with its hazard potential.Applicable LAWS and StandardsAll applicable general Laws and Standards related to theallowed operations of the equipment, as EU-Directives shallbe collected. The plant owner shall produce a RegulatoryRequirements List document.Definition of the Application ScopeThe scope for the safety-related application shall be fullydescribed in order to produce the following documentation:- Safety Integrity Level classification;- Functional safety requirements of the equipment undercontrolNecessary steps for the definition of the above listed documentsare:- Detailed investigation about which potential hazards of theprocess equipment have been reduced by design or anindependent layer of protection.- Checking of the necessary functional requirements requiredby the applicable laws and Standards.- Determination of the Safety Integrity Level with a specific riskreduction method.- Specification of each functional risk reduction by its physicalrisk, properties to be measured, its safe action to be performedFunctional Safety Requirements of the TargetEquipmentSafety FunctionsThe documents:- Safety Requirement Specification;- Piping and Instrument Diagram;Shall be produced in order to fully define the safety functionsof the Safety Instrumented System. Necessary steps for thedefinition of the above listed documents are:- Definition of the required Safety Functions.- List of all the process conditions under which the safe actionis required.- Investigation of the effect of common cause failures.- Specification of the actions required for the processmeasurement failures which are not covered by the SafetyFunctions.- Identification if the required safe actions are dependent onoperating states or are effective under all operating states.- Transformation of the verbal functional requirements into agraphical form.Process InterfaceThe documents:- Functional Requirement Specification;- Piping and Instrument Diagram;- Functional DiagramShall be produced in order to fully describe the processinterface and connections. Necessary steps for the definitionof the above listed documents are:- Definition of the Process Interface requirements.- Identification of the instrumentation for every physical riskproperty (input) and define their fail safe signal.- Definition of the required amount of instruments andcertifications according the SIL requirements- Iwdentification of the type of actuator and definition of theirfail safe position for the required safe action- Definition of the required redundancy and certification- Completion of the functional diagram with instrumentationdetails- Definition of the necessity of a regulatory body approval;System Safety Requirement AssignmentI/O System Response TimeThe total system response time is determined by the followingelements:- Sensor detection time,- Logic solver time;- Actuator response time;The total system response time must be less than the processsafety time. To ensure a safe operation of the system, the scanrate of each section of the logic solver multiplied by the numberof channels must be less than the safety time less actuator andsensor response time.I/O System SelectionThe I/O system selection is mainly dictated by the requiredlogic solver time. Appropriate selection procedures and analysisshall be used.System StructureSystem configuration drawings shall be available to describethe equipment and interfaces required for a completeoperational system. The system must be fully operationalbefore start-up.Safety Requirement AllocationEach safety function, with its associated safety integrityrequirement, shall be allocated to the designated safety-related systems taking into account the risk reductions achievedby the other technology safety-related systems and externalrisk reduction facilities, so the necessary risk reduction for thatsafety function is achieved. The allocation indicated shall bedone in such a way that all safety functions are allocated andthe safety integrity requirements are met for each safetyfunction.Programming EnvironmentComputer system which provides the necessary software toprogram, compile, and load an application shall be separated.Safety RoutinesSafety additional requirements may be defined in order toensure the correct functionality of sequences in the SafetyInstrumented System.Safety TemplatesSafety Templates must be followed for particular applications.(e.g. SIL 2 and burner management applications have certified"Templates" that adhere to all the rules spelled out by theapplicable regulations).Separation of Safety FunctionsEach safety function shall be separated in a differentprogramming section.