- 3 -Section PageINTRODUCTION .............................................................. 3TRANSPORT, STORAGE, HANDLING ANDPRODUCT IDENTIFICATION .......................................... 4SAFETY PHILOSOPHY, MANAGEMENT OFFUNCTIONAL SAFETY, INFORMATIONREQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 5LIFE-CYCLE ACTIVITIES ................................................ 6FAULT OUTSIDE THE FUNCTIONAL SAFETY .............. 8PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION .......................................... 9INSTALLATION .............................................................. 12ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ..................................... 15ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS .................................. 17COMMISSIONING AND CONFIGURATIONISSUES .......................................................................... 18CALIBRATION ............................................................... 19PRE-STARTUP ACCEPTANCE TEST,PROOF TESTS ANDSAFETY RELATED PARAMETERS .............................. 21DISMANTLING AND REASSEMBLY ............................ 22SIMPLE FAULT FINDING .............................................. 23RETURNING FORM ...................................................... 24ADDENDUM FOR "METERS" OPTION OFTHE TRANSMITTERS ................................................... 25ADDENDUM FOR COMETER OR INDICATORWITH HART PROGRAMMING CAPABILITY ANDPROMETER - PROGRAMMABLE INDICATOR ............ 26ADDENDUM FOR PV-SCALING OPERATION ............. 31ADDENDUM FOR "SURGE PROTECTION" OPTIONOF THE TRANSMITTERS ............................................. 32ADDENDUM USE OF HARDWARE LINKSON THE SECONDARY ELECTRONIC .......................... 35ADDENDUM FOR SELECTABLE OUTPUTFUNCTIONS .................................................................. 36ADDENDUM FOR OUTPUT % RERANGING ............... 39ADDENDUM FOR "EX SAFETY" ASPECTSAND "IP" PROTECTION (EUROPE) ............................. 40CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONThe 2600T series is a modular range of field mounted, micro-processor based electronic transmitters, using a uniqueinductive sensing element. The Model 266/268H/N is apressure transmitter with "single port" process connection; thisprovides accurate and reliable measurement of gauge andabsolute pressure, in the even most difficult and hazardousindustrial environments.Now a Safety pressure Transmitter is included in the 2600TSeries, with its analog output signal plus HART digitalcommunication.The HART digital protocol allows remote re-ranging,calibration and diagnostics, without any interference with thestandard 4-20 mA analog output signal.This operating instructions manual describes the Safetyversion of the 2600T Series transmitters and specify allinformation necessary to safely connect the Safety 2600Tpressure transmitter in a Safety Instrumented System.It details also how the signals from the input field device shouldbe interpreted.Refer to the shortened contents of this manual, here in thispage for addressing the section of your interest, and also to thesupplementary documentation for additional remarks.SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTATIONReference information on remote seals and configuration ofthe transmitter can be found in the following documents:SS/S26 Remote Seal SpecificationSS/268xx Data SheetsIM / 691HT Hand-Held CommunicatorOnline HELP SMART VISION Configuration ProgramIEC 61508 Functional Safety of e/e/pe Safety-related systemsISA S84.01 Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for theProcess IndustriesNE43 Standardization of the signal level for the breakdowninformation of digital transmittersOther helpful or general information can be found in the ABBweb site, at www.abb.com