Introduction 1 – 8 Advant Controller AC 31 / Issued: 01.993• Never short-circuit the battery! There is danger of overheating and explosion. Avoid acci-dental short-circuits, therefore do not store batteries in metallic containers or boxes and donot bring them into contact with metallic surfaces.• Replace the battery only whith the supply voltage on! Otherwise you risk data beinglost.• Dispose of battery environmentally consciously!Prior configuration of the basic unit is required to save all or part of the data (see chapter 5). Ifthe configuration is absent, all functions and internal data will be reset to 0 after a power dropor cut.A power cut or drop occurring on a 40 series basic unit will result in all the functions and inter-nal data being reset to 0.1.4 ReferencesProducts Description Order no.Basic units40 series Centrally extensible basic unit (without CS31 bus connection)07 CR 41 24VDC Centrally extensible basic unitwith 8 isolated inputs and 6 relay outputsRS232 interface for programming or ASCII or MODBUS commu-nication24 V d.c. power supply1SBP260020R100107 CR 41 120/230VAC Centrally extensible basic unitwith 8 isolated inputs and 6 relay outputsRS232 interface for programming or ASCII or MODBUS commu-nication120/230 V a.c. power supply1SBP260021R100107 CT 41 24VDC Centrally extensible basic unitwith 8 isolated inputs and 6 transistor outputsRS232 interface for programming or ASCII or MODBUS commu-nication24 V d.c. power supply1SBP260022R100150 series Master and/or slave basic units, extensible centrally and de-centrally (CS31 system bus)07 KR 51 24VDC Decentrally extensible basic unit with CS31 system bus,with 8 isolated inputs and 6 relay outputsRS232 or RS485 interfacefor programming or ASCII or MODBUS communication24 V d.c. power supply1SBP260010R100107 KR 51 120/230VAC Decentrally extensible basic unit with CS31 system bus,with 8 isolated inputs and 6 relay outputsRS232 or RS485 interfacefor programming or ASCII or MODBUS communication120/230 V a.c. power supply1SBP260011R100107 KT 51 24VDC Decentrally extensible basic unit with CS31 system bus,with 8 isolated inputs and 6 transistor outputsRS232 or RS485 interfacefor programming or ASCII or MODBUS communication24 V d.c. power supply1SBP260012R1001