8.5 Check brake liningPlease check the thickness of the safety brakes’ lining regularly. The mini-mum thickness å is 1 mm. In case the lining is thinner than 1 mm, the li-ning must be exchanged on both sides. Please contact AAT AlberAntriebstechnik GmbH or your authorized dealer.F Please check the safety brakes before each use of the C-max (seealso chapter 4.3 and 6.4).The safety brakes, particularly the knurled surface of the brake drums in thewheel rims, must be cleaned weekly or after contamination with spirit to en-sure the optimum braking effect.F Never smoke during the cleaning of the device as well as keep itaway from ignition source.F Please consider the danger warning of the manufacturer previouscleaning the device with spirit.F Never use suds or greasy cleaners.After cleaning the safety brakes must be checked as described in chapter6.4.8.6 Check the lining of the climbing footPlease also check each climbing foot’s lining å on a regular basis.F If the lining å is worn down to the indicated line ç or broken, again,exchange both climbing feet.36c-max 160 kg