3 AssemblyWith a few movements you can assemble the C-max by means of several fix-tures and tightening knobs. Disassembly is just as easy.3.1 Attach the back rest to the climbing framePut the back rest onto the guide pins on top of the climbing frame.3.2 Affix the back restFix the back rest tightly to the climbing frame with the two tightening knobs.F Always make sure that the back rest is securely fastened to the clim-bing frame.3.3 Attach the C-part plus seat to the climbing framePut the C-part plus seat onto the climbing frame; the locating bolts of theC-part fit into the corresponding holes in the frame.3.4 Affix the C-partFix the C-part tightly to the climbing frame with the two tightening knobs.F Always make sure that the C-part plus seat is securely fastened to theclimbing frame.11c-max 160 kg