673D Systems, Inc.In the print scale illustration, the X+ scale (left-to-right) contains three (3) rows of printed lines Each line represents a print jet Theprints are numbered 1, 2 and 3 for each of the three print jets Print jet 1 always prints the middle scale so the scales of print jets 2 and3 can be easily compared to it Print jet 2 prints above print jet 1 and print jet 3 prints below print jet 1 For printers with only two (2) printjets, the scale below the print jet 1 scale will not be printedThe lines on the calibration print represent an offset of 0 1 mm and should be measured from the printed arrows in the center of thescalesReading the Offset Jets ScaleNote the white arrow printed from print jet 2 and compare it to the positioning of the blue arrow printed by print jet 1 Note that the whitearrow is slightly left of the blue arrow meaning that print jet 2 is misaligned Print jet 2 must be moved in a positive direction (right) toalign with print jet 1Compare the printed lines of print jet 1 and 2 to the right of the arrows and find the printed lines that are properly aligned. In thisillustration, the lines at +0 3 are aligned This means that the offset must be corrected by increasing the offset by 3 mmWhen comparing the arrow printed by print jet 3 to the arrow printed by print jet 1, notice it is positioned slightly to the right This meansit must be adjusted in a negative (left) direction. Compare the lines of print jet 1 and 3 to the left of the center arrows and find theprinted lines that are properly aligned, In this illustration, the lines at -0 3 are aligned This means that the offset must be corrected bydecreasing the offset by 3 mm