62 CHAPTER 3: C ONFIGURING AAA FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND LOCAL ACCESSAdministrative AAAConfigurationScenariosThe following scenarios illustrate typical configurations for administrativeand local authentication. For all scenarios, the administrator is Natashawith the password m@Jor. (For RADIUS server configuration details, seeChapter 22, “Configuring Communication with RADIUS,” on page 519.) “Local Authentication” on page 62 “Local Authentication for Console Users and RADIUS Authenticationfor Telnet Users” on page 62 “Local Override and Backup Local Authentication” on page 64 “Authentication When RADIUS Servers Do Not Respond” on page 63Local Authentication The first time you access a WX switch, it requires no authentication. (Formore information, see “First-Time Configuration via the Console” onpage 55.) In this scenario, after the initial configuration of the WX switch,Natasha is connected through the console and has enabled access.To enable local authentication for a console user, you must configure alocal username. Natasha types the following commands in this order:WX1200# set user natasha password m@JorUser natasha createdWX1200# set authentication console * localsuccess: change accepted.WX1200# save configsuccess: configuration saved.Local Authenticationfor Console Users andRADIUSAuthentication forTelnet UsersThis scenario illustrates how to enable local authentication for consoleusers and RADIUS authentication for Telnet administrative users. To do so,you configure at least one local username for console authentication andset up a RADIUS server for Telnet administrators. Natasha types thefollowing commands in this order:WX1200# set user natasha password m@JorUser natasha createdWX1200# set authentication console * localsuccess: change accepted.WX1200# set radius server r1 address key sunFLOW#$success: change accepted.