130 CHAPTER 6: C ONFIGURING AND M ANAGING IP I NTERFACES AND SERVICESManaging the ARPTableThe Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table maps IP addresses to MACaddresses. An ARP entry enters the table in one of the following ways: Added automatically by the WX switch. A switch adds an entry for itsown MAC address and adds entries for addresses learned from trafficreceived by the WX switch. When the WX switch receives an IPpacket, the switch adds the packet’s source MAC address and sourceIP address to the ARP table. Added by the system administrator. You can add dynamic, static, andpermanent entries to the ARP table.ARP is enabled by default on a WX switch and cannot be disabled.Displaying ARP TableEntriesTo display ARP table entries, use the following command:display arp [ip-addr]Here is an example:WX1200# display arpARP aging time: 1200 secondsHost HW Address VLAN Type State------------------------------ ----------------- ----- ------- -------- 00:0b:0e:02:76:f5 1 DYNAMIC RESOLVED10.5.4.53 00:0b:0e:02:76:f7 1 LOCAL RESOLVEDThis example shows two entries. The local entry (with LOCAL in the Typefield) is for the WX switch itself. The MAC address of the local entry is theswitch’s MAC address. The ARP table contains one local entry for eachVLAN configured on the switch. The dynamic entry is learned from trafficreceived by the switch. The ARP table can also contain static andpermanent entries, which are added by an administrator. The State fieldindicates whether an entry is resolved (RESOLVED) or whether MSS hassent an ARP request for the entry and is waiting for the reply(RESOLVING).