60 CHAPTER 5: U PGRADING SOFTWARE[ftp]bye221 Service closing control connection<4210>9 Configure the switch to boot from the new application code. See “Configuringthe Boot Loader and Updating the Boot ROM Using the CLI” on page 60 forinstructions.Configuring the BootLoader and Updatingthe Boot ROM Usingthe CLIThis section describes how to configure the switch to use the new .app file andupdate the Boot ROM that you just loaded using the CLI. Perform the followingsteps:1 Set the switch to boot from the new application code (.app file) by typing thefollowing command (your .app filename maybe different):boot-loader file flash:/s3q05_01_00s56.app main2 Answer y to the prompt.Example:<4210>boot-loader file flash:/s3q05_01_00s56.app mainThis command will set boot file, Continue? [Y/N]:yThe specified file will be used as a main boot file at thenext time!<4210>dis boot-loaderThe current boot app is: flash:/s3q05_01_00s56c05.appThe main boot app is: flash:/s3q05_01_00s56.appThe backup boot app is: NULLThe main boot app file is the file that the Switch 4210 will load next time theswitch is rebooted.3 Update the new boot ROM firmware, by entering the following command:bootrom update file flash:/s3r01_15.btm4 Answer y to the prompt.Example:<4210>bootrom update file flash:/s3r01_15.btmThis command will update bootrom file, Continue? [Y/N]yNow updating bootrom, please wait...<4210>5 Save any configuration made to the switch by entering the save command.Example:<4210>saveThe current configuration will be written to the device.Are you sure?[Y/N]:y