2-8SFTP Server Configuration ExampleNetwork requirementsAs shown in Figure 2-2, an SSH connection is established between the host and the switch. The host,an SFTP client, logs into the switch for file management and file transfer. An SSH user uses passwordauthentication with the username being client002 and the password being aabbcc. The username andpassword are saved on the switch.Figure 2-2 Network diagram for SFTP server configurationConfiguration procedure1) Configure the SFTP server# Generate RSA and DSA key pairs and enable the SSH server. system-view[Switch] public-key local create rsa[Switch] public-key local create dsa[Switch] ssh server enable# Enable the SFTP server.[Switch] sftp server enable# Configure an IP address for VLAN-interface 1, which the client will use as the destination for SSHconnection.[Switch] interface vlan-interface 1[Switch-Vlan-interface1] ip address[Switch-Vlan-interface1] quit# Set the authentication mode of the user interfaces to AAA.[Switch] user-interface vty 0 4[Switch-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode scheme# Enable the user interfaces to support SSH.[Switch-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh[Switch-ui-vty0-4] quit# Configure a local user named client002 with the password being aabbcc and the service type beingSSH.[Switch] local-user client002[Switch-luser-client002] password simple aabbcc[Switch-luser-client002] service-type ssh[Switch-luser-client002] quit# Configure the user authentication type as password and service type as SFTP.[Switch] ssh user client002 service-type sftp authentication-type password2) Establish a connection between the SFTP client and the SFTP server