37 FILE SYSTEM MANAGEMENTFile AttributeConfigurationIntroduction to FileAttributesAn app file, a configuration file, or a Web file can be of one of these three attributes:main, backup and none, as described in Table 280.An app file is an executable file, with .app as the extension. A configuration file isused to store and restore configuration, with cfg as the extension. A Web file is usedfor Web-based network management, with web as the extension. If clustering isconfigured, there will also be a file called topology.top.A file can have both the main and backup attributes. Files of this kind are labeled as*b.If a newly created file is configured to be of the main attribute, the existing file in theFlash that is of the same attribute and the same type loses its attribute. This ensuresthat there can be only one app file, one configuration file and one Web file with themain attribute in the Flash. It is the same with the files in the Flash that are of thebackup attribute.File operations and file attribute operations are independent of each other. Forexample, if you delete a file with the main attribute from the Flash, the main attributeis not deleted. It becomes the attribute of a valid file that is later downloaded to theFlash and has same name as the previously deleted one.The file attributes are compatible with that of the previous versions. After theBootROM of a switch is upgraded, the previous default app startup file will have themain attribute.Configuring FileAttributesYou can configure and view the main attribute and backup attribute of the files usedfor the next startup of a switch, and switch the main and backup attribute of the files.Table 280 Descriptions on file attributesAttributename Description Feature Identifiermain The main attribute identifies mainstartup files. The main startup fileis used first for a switch tostartup.In the Flash, there can be onlyone app file, one configurationfile and one Web file with mainattribute.(*)backup The backup attribute identifiesbackup startup files. The backupstartup file is used after a switchfails to startup using the mainstartup file.In the Flash, there can be onlyone app file, one configurationfile and one Web file with thebackup attribute.(b)none Files that are neither of mainattribute nor backup attribute areof none attribute.None