326 CHAPTER 37: F ILE SYSTEM MANAGEMENTPerform the following configuration in user view.CAUTION: Before configuring the main or backup attribute for a file, make sure thefile already exists. For example, to configure the main or backup attribute for a Webfile, you need to make sure the file exists on the switch.The configuration of the main or backup attribute of a Web file takes effectimmediately without restarting the switch.Currently, a configuration file has the extension of cfg and resides in the rootdirectory of a switch.File SystemConfigurationIntroduction to FileSystemTo facilitate management on storage devices such as the Flash of a switch, Ethernetswitches provide the file system module. The file system allows users to access andmanage files and directories, such as the operations ofcreating/deleting/modifying/renaming a file or a directory and displaying the contentsof a file.By default, a switch prompts for confirmation before executing the commands whichhave potential risks (for example, deleting and overwriting files).Table 281 Configure file attributesOperation Command DescriptionConfigure the app filewith the main attributefor the next startupboot boot-loader file-url OptionalConfigure the app filewith the backupattribute for the nextstartupboot boot-loaderbackup-attribute file-urlOptionalConfigure the attribute(main or backup) of theWeb file for the nextstartupboot web-package webfile{ backup | main}OptionalSwitch the fileattributes betweenmain and backup forfiles that are of specificattributeboot attribute-switch { all | app| configuration | web }OptionalSpecify to prompt forthe customizedpassword beforeentering the BOOTmenustartup bootrom-access enable OptionalBy default, a user cannot access theBOOT menu with a customizedpassword.Display the informationabout the app file usedas the startup filedisplay boot-loader [ unitunit-id ]OptionalCan be executed in any view.Display the informationabout the startupconfiguration filedisplay startup [ unit unit-id ]