Known Problems in Release 3.0.5 31SLIP Interfaces If you attempt to enable a Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) interfacebefore you have properly configured the SLIP interface and theterminal port, the EME returns UT_ERR. This is not a standard 3Comerror message.System Time n The EME may incorrectly display the following error message after youreset the EME with SNTP enabled:SNTP client errorThis is not a valid error message under these conditions; there is noproblem with the SNTP client. (29808)n After you set the clock to 24:00:00 to indicate midnight, the EMEsets the clock to 00:00:00 of the same day rather than the next day.You can specify the next day in the date field with the EME set clockdate_time command. (29835)n The EME command line interface does not accept a user-defined GMToffset when you select the user-defined time zone setting (set clocktime_zone 28-Input_an_offset_from_GMT command). You can seta user-defined time zone with a GMT offset through the WebConsole.(29853)Software Downloads n When downloading v3.0.0 code or higher to switching modules, youmust use the all_image command. Selecting any other option causesan incomplete download. See Chapter 8 in these release notes forsoftware installation procedures. (30404)n If your Switch 4007 has a redundant EME configuration that has bothof the EME Ethernet ports connected to a SuperStack II Switch 3900,Switch 9300, CoreBuilder 9400, or Layer 2 module on anotherSwitch 4007 system, in the event of a failover the secondary EMEcannot immediately send traffic. It must wait until the old primaryEME’s MAC address has aged out of the switch’s address table orclears the PC ARP cache. If you select either enabled or agingOnlyfrom the bridge spanningTree stpState command on the switchto which the dual EMEs are connected, the new address will belearned within a few seconds. (30199)