8 ABOUT THIS GUIDERelated DocumentationThe following documents compose the Switch 4007documentation set.Documents are available in three forms:n Paper documentsThis section lists the paper documents that areshipped with your system.n CD-ROMThe Switch 4007 Online Manuals CD-ROMcontains online versions of the paper documents aswell as other Switch 4007 documents in onlineformat only.n World Wide Web and Fax ServicesVarious types of documentation and informationare available from the 3Com Web site and faxservices.To order a paper copy of a document that you see onthe CD-ROM, or to order additional CDs, contact yoursales representative, or call the 3Com Customer CallCenter at (800) 724-2447 and choose option 3.For a list of Switch 4007 documents, see theSwitch 4007 Documentation Overview.Commands The word “command” means that you mustenter the command exactly as shown and thenpress Return or Enter. Commands appear inbold. Example:To remove the IP address, enter the followingcommand:SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr = words “enter”and “type”When you see the word “enter” in this guide,you must type something, and then pressReturn or Enter. Do not press Return or Enterwhen an instruction simply says “type.”Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keyssimultaneously, the key names are linked with aplus sign (+). Example:Press Ctrl+Alt+DelWords in italics Italics are used to:n Emphasize a point.n Denote a new term at the place where it isdefined in the text.n Identify menu names, menu commands, andsoftware button names. Examples:From the Help menu, select Contents.Click OK.Table 2 Text Conventions (continued)Convention Description