Device Placement on the Layout Model3Com ® AirProtect Planner User Guide67Coverage ViewChannel ViewLink Speed ViewInterference ViewRedundancy ViewAccess Point ViewsSINR ViewCoverage ViewThreat ViewSensor ViewsRedundancy ViewCalibration View CalibrationNote: Whenever you shift from one tab of the RF view to another, Planner displays an Information message describing that tab.7.1.2 Status and Control PaneThe Status and Control pane is divided into two. One part appears one the Toolbar at the top of the screen, while the secondpart appears on the lower pane at the bottom of the screen. These are described in detail in the section Planning DevicePlacement: Status and Control.7.2 Planning Device Placement: Views for Indoor and Outdoor LayoutPlacement of devices like APs and Sensors result in Indoor and Outdoor views. You can disable an AP by right‐clicking theAP and selecting Disable AP. Similarly, you can enable an AP by right‐clicking and selecting Enable AP. An enabled AP isrepresented as while a disabled AP is represented as . Likewise, you can enable/disable a Sensor too. An enabled Sensoris represented as while a disabled Sensor is represented as . This is just a viewing option for ‘What‐If’ scenarios.You can also view the coverage of a device on different floors using the Filter option in all the views except the CalibrationView. In case of cross‐floor, if an AP or Sensor is visible on a layout but belongs to a floor above or below, then that AP orSensor is represented with an UP arrow or DOWN arrow .7.2.1 AP Coverage ViewThis view displays color‐coded RSSI distribution over the current layout. It helps you plan for available signal strength at aspecific location and check the availability of RF signal at different locations on the plan. This helps you ensure that all theregions in the plan have coverage from at least one AP. In case there is more than one AP covering an area on the layout, youcan see the strongest signal strength in this view.Clicking at a point on the layout displays the predicted RSSI at that point in the Status bar.